Bruce Fowler - Mike carter Testimony

While Mike originally struggled with having faith in God and believing in science, he found that these two are not mutually exclusive, but actually fit perfectly together.

You can find out more about Peace Ministries at:

Bruce Fowler - pedro Testimony

Have you ever felt like there was no way that Jesus’ death on the cross could pay for YOUR sins?  That if only people knew what YOU did, then there would be no forgiveness? 

Well, today we have a fantastic testimony from Bruce Fowler, who is both a Board member at Testifyit and a founder of Peace Ministries.  He tells the story of Pedro, a prisoner in the Puerto Rican prison system, who felt forgiveness wasn’t something he could ever receive...

In this series of testimonies, we are working in partnership with Peace Ministries, a biblical counseling and teaching ministry whose founders have been in ministry for over 50 years.

You can find out more about Peace Ministries at:

Bruce Fowler - Panchito Testimony

We have a fantastic testimony from Bruce Fowler, who is both a Board member at Testifyit and a founder of Peace Ministries.  He shares a story from his past in ministry, and how the faith of someone who truly believes God’s Word can function in the same power as Jesus Himself, even as a new disciple.

In this series of testimonies, we are working in partnership with Peace Ministries, a biblical counseling and teaching ministry whose founders have been in ministry for over 50 years.

You can find out more about Peace Ministries at: